November 2000's News
H.O.T in Beijing, China
HOT were mobbed at the airport by fans in Beijing, China on 11/27.
Someone tried to go up to the 11th floor of the hotel they're staying in and was told she can't..
When asked why, hotel security said becus HOT were at that floor...
HOT went back to Seoul on the 30th...
Hyukie and Tonya's 'sook-so' moved while HOT were in China, not to a condo/villa dis time but to a nice big 2-story house.
(i heard managers didn't tell real estate ppl that HOT members are gonna live there cus they've been turned down in other places when told the truth (cus of too much noise by fanz >.<)
The change of SM's "Sm Family Day"
Basically many SM group fans "signed up?" for this event that was supposed to happen on December 2nd. People paid money (not sure how much) to go this event holding all the SM singers. it was a big fan meeting i think of all the sm singers, but sm decided to change this event for the better. in return for the inconveince of the people that paid for this event...they will get...
- 1 ticket to either a fan meeting or concert of the SM group you choose (concerts start from late 2ooo to early 2oo1)
- The new SM Carol album
- A calendar featuring all he SM groups/singers
- Pictures of the group/singer that were taken for the sm carol album book cover
*late 2ooo~early 2oo1 imporant events/dates*
december 2ooo: boa fan meeting
january 2oo1: H.O.T concert, shinhwa concert
february 2oo1: S.E.S fan meeting
april 2oo1: H.O.T fan meeting
may 2oo1: FTTS fan meeting
Notes : This from mOOl bit from onLy hyuN
Seoul Music Awards has started its final nominees voting thru internet, phone(ARS), emil and mail(postcard)... from 11/27 thru 12/04.
** HOT left for China 11/27 to film snack commercial for 'NongSim' confectionery company.
this is for products exported to China by 'NongSim'(korean company).
for the TV commercial, Chinese distribution company has hired a famous Taiwanese CF director and will incorporate parts of HOT concerts and the song 'We can do it' into this commercial.
HOT will go back to Korea end of this mnth and that commercial will start airing in China at the beginning of Dec.
HOT has received $100,000 for this commercial, which is very high for a commercial appearance in China.
(Source: "Star story" bulliten)
** LeCaf commercial, with HOT last yr, has received an excellance award in Korean commercial awards recently.
(Source: "Sports Seoul" newspaper)
** KBS has received a lot of complaints for airing "Singer's day" special with HOT singing and smiling in it (too soon after Taya incident),
and so KBS "TVneun sarangeul silko" has regretfully decided to pospone HOT's 2 brocast parts of it till HOT comes back to brocasting.
(Source: KBS)
**JaeWon has cut his hair.. someone sed like WooHyuk.. layered and blonish.
Tony has dyed his hair red.
(Source: HOT fans^^)
** HOT fans in Korea are doing a very constructive compaign, that shows their love for HOT and does good deed at the same time.
They're sending 1000won(~$1.20) wrapped in a white standard paper in a white envolope to "Love Request"(charity donation request program aired on TV) in the name of HOT fans.^-^
(Source: "Gaja! Hyuni Nara" HOT website)
**'Elite' school uniform TV commercial is scheduled to release starting Dec 1st
(NOT yet confirmed tho..)
** HOT 2nd nCD will be released 11/25 in Korea, but most will receive it on 27 or 28 (for ppl who ordered directly from
H.O.T might be in SM Carol Album...
Whether or not HOT will be in the carol album depends on how fast taya's incident dies down...
carol album has just started recording when that incident came about and so they filmed the title's song MV without HOT..
but if this incident quiets down fast and if it looks like the public will not object to HOT's brocasts soon, then HOT will sing in it and they will film HOT's MV parts separately and add into the already filmed MV.
it looks like this x-mas album's release date will get postphoned...
(even if HOT will not be in the album, songs written by HOT will be in it... i heard KT's and HJ's songs r to be in it so far..)
H.O.T, helping disabled people, stamps on sale
To help disabled people, popular group H.O.T's stamps are on sale. Latest, they released their 5th album including concern and love towards disabled people. By publishing the cachet, they themselves practiced their minds.
H.O.T stamps were published at the Republic of Chad, Africa and sold at OhSung KNC, which imported Fin.K.L stamps before. Total limitation is 30 thousand copies and all the profit will be used as support for disabled people. H.O.T said, "we thought it's a chance for us to practice our concern and love towards disabled people which we expressed through music so we decided to be the models for it. We hope this will help at least a little to people who needs it." Among domestic stars, this is 2nd time after Fin.K.L who modeled for the Republic of Guyana, South Africa. In foreign countries, Elvis Presley, James Dean, Michael Jackson, and Modonna are selected and in Asia, a star from Taiwan is only one.
H.O.T take rest
H.O.T has decided to take time out from appearing on all three major Korean broadcasting stations, KBS, SBS, and MBC, due to member Kang Ta's DUI [driving under the influence.. of alcohol in this case]. The programs that the group had fixed guest spots on are KBS 2TV's "Super TV Il-yo-il-eun jeul-guh-wuh," KBS FM's "Lee Bon's Volume-eul nopyuhrah," and SBS FM's "Lee Jihoon's Young Street." "Super TV..."'s producer has indefinitely suspended the episodes that have already been filmed. The "Ja-gyuk-ji-shim" segment of the show will be replaced by the follow-up corner "Sun-taek! Campus seung-boo-sah" with Lim Chang-jung and Country Kko Kko as the guests. HOT will not be allowed to do radio programs or perform on TV rating programs either. Basically, all the media stations have no intention of inviting to a broadcast a celebrity who has done wrong without making the star repent for some time; they want Kang Ta to take the time to reflect on his wrongdoings. Also, the HOT members are showing their position of wanting to exercise self-discipline
** SMTown 2nd carol album, to be released on 12/09, will not feature HOT.
SM took out HOT's part they've sang and replaced them with other SM singers
(but i think songs written by KangTa and HeeJun are still in it)
** WooHyuk is officially the honorary promotion ambassador for the city of DaeGu 2002 World Cup, with astounding ~72% of votes ^^
** according to the post in KBS by 'Super TV ilyoil bameh' personnel...
they will stop airing 'HOT's ja-gyuk-ji-sim' corner for now, but they want to continue this corner when HOT decides to start brocast again... they'll wait for HOT and they feel sorry that this happened.
** (this 1 hasn't been confirmed, only from wat i heard)
it looks like HOT will not do brocasts for the rest of the yr... but will probably start activities again next Jan...
someone said SM said HOT won't appear on any end of the yr awards either... HOT said they feel they can't show their faces in them, they feel ashamed and want to stay quiet and take time for repentence...
**according to "star new" bulletin, SM and HOT had a meeting to discuss what they're gonna do now and KangTa just couldn't stop crying all thruout and when asked what he wants to do now, just said 'sorry.. sorry..' and did not speak anything else... every1 around him are very sad this happened and very sorry this happened to someone so diligent and upright as KangTa...
KangTa just wants to stay alone, wants to go where he doesn't know anyone and where no one know him (but it's not likely he's going abroad or anythin like that)
**SM decided to do what HOT want.
HOT wants to stay quiet and rest for a while...
**HeeJun's mom said Taya doing okay now, he's trying to focus on composing music...
and told the fans everything will be okay as long as fans don't turn on them...
(i luv heejun's mom.. she always seem so strong and frank^^ whereas taya's mom seems tender-hearted and lady-like)
Notes :News from Kelli
KangTa participating in Kang SungHoo's solo album.
KangSung Hoon, who recently signed a contract with Warner Music to release a solo
album early next year, decided to include a song written by KangTa. Warner Music,
the management of Kang SungHoon's solo album, stated "Hearing that Kang SungHoon
was preparing for a solo album, KangTa willingly decided to give him a song
as a gift." To return KangTa's sincerity, Kang SungHoon has asked for this song to
be the title song of the album. It has also been verified that fellow Sechskies
member, Eun JiWon will also be participating in the album as a songwriter.
Notes : This's from ::shin..chang::
At last all come back normal...
Notes : This from mOOl's the owner of the homepage and 12 other girls that are out there to clear up aLL rumors and the what not. this is an actuaLly encounter...which means she was actuaLLy in front of kangta's house...I want to be tOO! anyhOO here it is...aLL credit goes to only hyun
Yesterday Kangta arrived home at around 6:30 in the morning...
Afterwards member Tony arrived wearing a white hate...
Fans just watched in daze as Tony walked in...
After Tony, Jae Won and arrived...
From this time on a lot more fans started to appear...
The atmosphere was very weary and quiet...
Then member Mun Hee Jun arrived...
His facial expression didn't seem too good...he just looked at the fans once and walked in...
All the members' expressions were very dark...
Then the managers...the SM workers...his grandmother...etc...
Many people showed up...
At 2 A.M. Tony, Woo Hyuk, and Jae Won walked out...
Mun Hee Jun came out around 4 A.M...
Kangta didn't take one step otuside of his house...
And right now Kangta's XG (the car) is parked inside of his house...
From now on we will explain the truth of all the rumors that have started...
First off, today at 11 A.M. there was a press conference...
There WAS NOT any kind of press of the rumors said that because of Kangta's illness at the moment there was a press conference at his house and 250 press people showed up...there are a lot of rumors that have gone too far...
The source of my answers are from Kangta's father who had a long talk with Kangta's fans...
All the sayings about the taxi driver suing, and H.O.T being banned are rumors...
Secondly is H.O.T suspended from t.v. shows for 1 year or 3 years...
There were a lot of rumors saying that they were suspended from t.v. shows...but it was just a rumor from the over doing newspapers and news shows...
It wasn't that big of an's just because Kangta is famous and a member of the most popular Korean group...
In one word, they took it too far...
On today's SM voicemail it said that they at the moment have no schedules...but it has been changed...
They are just physically and emotionally unstable so they've decided to REST for awhile...
H.O.T.'s 5th album activities have not been canceled...everything will continue again...
Third matter of business, Kangta's going to the army...
When I first heard this I was pretty surprised tell you the truth I believed that there was going to be a press conference...but that was just a rumor...
the rumor about the H.O.T. members going to the army has been revealed as only a rumor...
all the things about Kangta's written order for him to go to the army this was all only a rumor...
all the fans that cried over this rumor don't worry...
Fourth Kangta is in a hospital...he collapsed...
that too is only a rumor...
Kangta's father's words: in a persons life it's possible for mistakes...
he also added "he's a healthy kid so don't worry"...
he was just shocked he's not hurt or sick...
Fifth H.O.T is retiring...
because of the over reaction of _ _ there have been stories about their breaking up/retiring already...
I'm goign to say one thing...
"H.O.T. is forever..."
Sixth Kangta oppa's mom cried...
this is true...she cried yesterday and she cried today...
She told us (the fans) sorry and it was more of the fans comforting his mother...
Like yesterday and today she asked us to go home because of the cold weather...of coruse crying...everyone was really appreciative of Kangta's mom...she made our hearts break...
Seventh _ _ program shows have been canceled...
to tell you the truth as part of hte public i do agree with the point that this has caused some problems...
although it was small mistake because he's in the most well known group there will be lots of things going on that have to do with this incident...
on _ _ program sight they have already announced that Jah*Jee has been replaced...
but they will air all the recorded shows...
Eight...just about how Kangta hit and ran...he didn't...he was just moving his guys know what happened so i'm not going over this anymore...
from SM, thru official HOT call box (152-2357)
(from 152-2357, official SM phone info line of HOT)
Trans of word by word of what SM officially said so far...Right now, there's nothing recorded in the call box. this is the official annoucement till this afternoon.(11/21)
First, SM has not concluded on anything yet and nothing has been decided yet.
Please do not believe at all the false rumors going around currently and do not spread them.
As of now, all the schedules have been canceled. We'll be keeping watch for now.
You fans, keep strength. Please pray for oppadeul.
Source: originally from "a-ee-chi-tee" website
News About Kangta
- That word about $3000 fine and 3yr license suspension is also a rumor, not confirmed...
- There's a word about SM not doing the official statement to reporters but no one knows anything for sure yet...
- So let's just wait and stop speculating till SM or HOT members themselves says something...
- Rumors r going around again -.-
- Non of the brocast companies, SBS MBC KBS, have banned HOT from brocasts...
- But HOT themselves have decided to take time out from brocasts...
- HOT were supposed to appear on Lee Bon's "Turn up the Volume" radio show, but called in to cancel and ask for a pardon...
- This was posted by it's producer in KBS, him and Lee Bon unnie tried to talk them into doing the radio show today anyway but they felt it'll be better both for HOT and the radio show if they didn't appear on it today...
- SM said this incident will not deter HOT's 5th album activities.... but HOT will take time out for a while from doing any activities...
- All programs HOT already taped will air as scheduled...
(Singer's day Special Show, KBS Super TV ilyoil bameh, KBS TVneun sarang-eul sil-ko(WH's part on 11/26 and HJ's on 12/03)....)
- For the moment, all schedules has been cancelled.
- MBC, KBS, SBS is not really banning H.O.T.
They didn't want to loose H.O.T but it's H.O.T who wanted to have a short break.
- SuperTv decided to stop their episode (i guess until they comeback)
- H.O.T had no important scheduled at SBS, and MBC
since they won the "best of best" with Outside Castle and already had the special performance.
- If there's ppl who are voting for "dae sang" or something like that... keep voting! they are still nominated for it.
- On the "Aju Teukbyulhan Achim" (Very special Morning) show, the policeman at KangNam Police station talked about the incident.
- Taya drank half bottle of soju(equivalent of 4 shots)
- Policeman confirmed that he didn't try to run away from the accident.
- It's really light accident (just some scratches on the left rear bumper)
(in korea, those kind of accident can be easily consented between two drivers without involving police, but since the taxi driver knew who kangta was...he thought that he could make some money.
- He called the police right away (they really didn't need to go to the police for it)
He kept refusing to consent, and finally agreed to close the incident for "3 000 000 won" (about 3000 US? i dunno the currency..-_-;;)
- It's Kangta's first accident and he surely didn't know what to do... and just follwed the taxi driver...babo taya -_-;;)
- A fan who went to Kangta's house wrote that
all the other HOT members, HyeSung(Shinhwa) and Lee JiHoon gathered last night(Nov. 20)
Managers brought them some food.
She heard their lauphing and seems like they had good time.
- Fans asked JiHoon if Taya is ok, and he said that he's ok.
- Taya's new Midi(or synthesizer? i don't remember..-_-;;;) arrived around 11:45am!
- Fans who talked to Taya's father wrote
It's not gonna be the end of 5th album activity.
They will be back soon.
Taya's eating well, his health is ok.
- Heejun said to a fan who was crying outside of his house to change the logo of their cell phone to "Don't cry, we'll be protecting you"
-- All the info are from "Shin Hwa Chang Jo"--
Post from Lee JiHoon's 'Young Street' radio show in SBS on 11/21
YoungStreet Writer (lovrscar) 2000/11/21 (01:53)
To: HOT fans
I'm very sad/pained also.
HOT members say they'll be resting from activities for a while, not only in YoungStreet but i'm sure in other various programs also.
From our point of view, we wish they would just continue....
I think they feel uncomfortable to do so. Model-man KangTa goon himself will be having a hard time...
We've tried to hold them, but we want to just let them do what they want.
But, I'm sure they'll be back. HOT!
Until they come back bright and strong,
YoungStreet will also wait for them.
So, Wednesday corner has to be modified.
Once a fan is a forever fan.
Keeping Wednesday alive still, filling oppadeul's vacancy... isn't this what we, who wait, should do?
That way, you HOT fans' heart will be at ease also....
Wednesday, I trust that you will continue to support it. Hwaiting!
(she wrote oppadeul, not becus she's younger than HOT, but to put her writing in level with most HOT fans)
This is from BeetGyo..
Sports Seoul> Gayo/POP 2000.11.20(Monday) Edited 11:14
HOT KangTa dwi minor collision
(Seoul= combined news) reporter KimBubHyun = Seoul KangNam Police station is in the middle of investigating dance group HOT's member KangTa(real name An ChilHyun.21. KyungKi SungNamshi BoonDangGoo).
 The police say that at around 6:10 am today, Mr. KangTa who had a blood alchol level of 0.102% was driving his Grandeur XG in front of KangNamGoo ApkuJungDong HyunDae H.S. when he collided into the left rear bumper of a Sonata taxi that was waiting for the signal light to change. (Taxi driver HanSeungRyong.35)
Mr. KangTa drove about 500m away into nearby HyunDae apartment when he was caught by taxi driver Mr. Han who was chasing after him.
Mr. KangTa explained that "Starting from 4am, I only had 4 shot glasses of soju with a friend who had come out temporarily from the army and I drove because I was not drunk" and he also stated that " I only wanted to park the car in front, I wasn't trying to drive away."
The police are presuming that while drunk driving, the car slid from the rain and caused the accident. They are planning to repeal Mr. Kang's driver's license and charge him of violating the Road Traffic Law.KAng ta is free.... with fine of 3000,000won which is about $3000 and his license is supspended for 3 years......... poor him.... what will happen to coming out on TV???? Even tho i was really disappointed on him.... we should support him..... Hope SM doesnt kill him....
Notes : The picture was taken from soompi
WooHyuk oppa on +TV neun Sarang-eul Shidgo+.... "Cha MinSun, come out!!"
Jang WooHyuk of pop group HOT appeared today(17th) on KBS and found his first love from elementary school.
Then, shall we take a trip through Jang WooHyuk's beatiful memories of his youth??
"During 6th grade one day, Jang WooHyuk was called by the teacher to stay after school and grade test papers. That's when he saw the beautiful girl sitting right next to him... As soon as Jang WooHyuk saw this girl, sparks started flying and he became love sick.
Also, while Jang WooHyuk was watching this girl walk by, he fell, hurting the spot where he received his shot.. He says the scar remains on his arm...^^*
Cha MinSun, the girl two years younger than Jang WooHyuk is the one who stole his entire heart!! What would she be doing now???"
Jang WooHyuk became nervous, just before the reunion with his first love.
He even commented that this was the most nerve-wracking moment ever since his debut...
Together with the words "Cha MinSun, come out!", said with WooHyuk's sonorous voice, his elementary school firt love Cha MinSun made her appearance..!!
They both exchanged the flowers that they had each prepared, and as their meeting became slightly awkward... Moon HeeJun and Tony started to lift up the mood!!
As of then, Jang WooHyuk and Cha MinSun relaxed a bit and had a good time talking about their past.
Also, Cha MinSun who is coincidentally majoring in musical composition, showed an intent to give a piece of her own to HOT as a gift.
Like this, the search for Jang WooHyuk's beautiful memory from his youth ended in success..
This episode will be aired on the 26th in Korea...
Notes : From ==shin.chang==
Tony oppa and soju???? (rice wine)
Not long ago Tony of the popular dance group, H.O.T., looked down at a small present a devoted fan gave him as he broke out into laughter. It was a cell phone accessory shaped in a soju (rice wine) bottle the size of a finger nail.
Backstage of the SBS special, "Yuh Luh Boon Go Mab Seub Ni Dah" (11/14)Tony was playing around with the soju bottle when he suddenly said, with a satisfied look, "This is definitely me." He was especially thankful to that fan that found out about his usual habit of drinking soju. (i didn't think he had a habit of it...EeK...that stuff is bad for you oppa!)
Out of all 5 of the members Tony has the highest tollerance so he tends to drink more soju then beer and wine. He said because, "Beer fills your stomach, and wine doesn't fit his taste."
[Sports Seoul]
Notes : This is a post from mOOL bit
*>HOT plans to do a concert tour in China sometime next Feb.
no plans for HOT concert in Korea or other places yet.
*> JaeWon made a HOT cafe on the net. but it's only for HOT members and HOT staff only.
they talk about their day and/or schedule.. and discuss the direction of 5th album activities..and so on...
*>WooHyuk is looking for a secretary for the office of his dance company "Newest"
he sed a person for this position need to have some experience as a secretary and someone whom all newest members will have favorable impression on.
*> In average, HOT sed they sleep about 4 hours a day. (kt sed he gets about 3 hrs of sleep)
but they don't feel tired from lack of sleep becus they're used to it by now... they sed they slept only this much even before 5th album activities
(i ususlly sleep 5 hrs a day and i feel the need to sleep more -.-;; and i heard most adults need 7~8 hrs or sleep each day to feel their fullest)
*>HeeJun sed his IQ was 148 in elementary and 158 when measured in junior high (whoa~!)
*>The clock on the backgrnd of Tony's album jacket pics indicates his b-day
(clock needles point to 6 and 7)
*>HeeJun & Tony & KangTa sed they all have birth mark, a roundish dot, around the same place on their bodies, rite below their ribs.
also sed Tony has the prettiest dot among them ^^
*>HeeJun sed KangTa wrote 15~20 songs for the 5th album, but KT himself eliminated down to 5 songs, eventho others thought all songs were pretty good. (yeah, he and jaewon hardly came out of their houses this yr before the 5th album release...and taya is known as a workaholic to ppl around him)
*>KangTa sed out of his songs, he has the most affection for 'Illusion' cus he wanted to write about what effects drugs will have on ppl and warn them about it, an anti-drug song, and it took him 10 whole days just to make the rite beat sounds he wanted and spent much time with the lyrics.
*>JaeWon's envious of ppl who talk about loosing weight cus he wants to gain weight bad... he sed he tried everything ppl told him about gaining weight but didn't work... HJ jokingly sed he told him to sleep with a bar of chocolate in his mouth (last yr, HeeJun told him to eat ramen rite before he goes to sleep....keke..)
*>After reading what a fan wrote about how heejun and woohyuk and tony would be like at home... they sed she's really close to how they are actually at home...
HeeJun sed he isn't as talkative at home as outside, he's actually pretty quiet at home.
WooHyuk sed yes, he's actually more talkative than Tony at home and he's the one who ususally starts their conversation and asks Tony whether he's mad at him for something if Tony's too quiet with him. (lol...)
*>KangTa has a lot of tears biologically. they were discussing about tear deposits and he sed tears even form and fall down on his face when he yawns and was told that means he has lots of tears biologically.
*>JaeWon sed he wrote words of thanks to fans but it didn't get printed on 5th album jacket by office personnel's mistake. he sent his 'thanks to' via email and someone didn't print his out all the way.
WH sed he forgot to write his vocal teacher Kim(or was it Lim ;;) KeumSun in his 'thanks to'
(he was gonna sing for this 5th but felt he wasn't good enough yet)
*> KangTa sed his personality became more bright/outgoing cus of outgoing friends like Lee JiHoon and others (JiHoon sed before that taya's somewhat introverted and shy, unlike what many ppl think from brocasts)
*>WooHyuk sed he also became more talkative and outgoing this year cus he had to meet many ppl and talk (for his dance company and renting office and other things..)
*>HOT members become so much more talkative and animated when they talk about music~!! =D
From 'TVneun sarang-eul sil-ko(TV carring love)' staff...
[We will tape HOT special next Friday the 17th starting 1 p.m.
Scheduled brocast day is November 26th.
Moon HeeJun will try to find his old teacher(woman) from his elementary school days who did not spare encouragement for his dream as a singer.
Also, Jang WooHyuk will look for the girl he liked in 6th grade, 2 years younger shool 'hoobae'.
We hope many of you fans will watch it.]
Ah ha!
in a radio program, woohyuk mentioned that girl and sed he wanna look for her in this tv program... & he's actually gonna do it!
he sed he was young but he REALLY liked her.
dat's so cute^^ probolly his 1st love(puppy love)^^
taya also mentioned a girl he liked in 8th or 9th grade...
he sed in his class, teacher made them sit boy and girl to a desk together and gave them freedom to choose diff desk partners each week(but has to be opposite sex)...
but taya and that gurl, by each other's consent, sat together the WHOLE year...when others were changing desk partners every other wk or so...
... and became the most known couple in his school (0.0*)
he sed he can find her if he really tried but want to look for her in that tv program...
well.. becus of time, this show's only gonna find 2 pibbo for HOT and i guess heejun's teacher and woohyuk's girl seemed more interesting to 'tv-neun sarang-eul sil-ko' personnels than taya's gurl. *.*
source: originally posted by "with35(Won MiJi)" of "CandyTown" on 11/12/00
On 11/12, SBS 'Inkigayo' did its opening in the SBS lobby with a big cake for SBS's 10th anniversary...
Heejun oppa was very active from the start and i had a feeling he would make sum kind of trouble.....^^;;;
Heejun oppa played around with a step ladder with woohyuk oppa..
and wrote sumthin on the cake....and was habing fun... *^^*
after that Inkigayo opening, after everyone left,
heejun oppa and jaehong oppa(a manager) were walking by that place...
with heejun oppa doing a strange dance ^^;;;
as he was walking by, heejun oppa saw the cake..
and walked toward it....(lil.. worried...)
as shown on tv, that cake was 5 layers or watnot.. a very tall & big cake..
he played around happily..
along with jaehong oppa -.-;;
dun really know how he was playing around rite then....
(think he was playfully writing on the cake...)
that 5 layered cake went...
to the opposite side of heejun...
u should've seen expressions on heejun oppa's and jaehong oppa's face... ^^;;;
nehoo, heejun oppa who caused that trouble/accident
ran far as he can away from that cake --;;;;
& shouted "uh-thuh-keh!!!!(oh no, what to do?!!)" -.-;;;;
he had this expression.. like a kid running away from a big trouble he made while playing *^^*
and then, as if he didnt do anythin --;;;;
he told jaehong oppa..
"uh-thuh-keh.... uh-thuh-ka-ji.....??(wat to do... wat shoud we do...??).......
......clean it up or sumthin..."
he was so sneaky ^^;;;;
he continued saying "uh-thuh-keh...uh-thuh-keh..." & stamped worrily around.. till they went up....-.-;;
cleaning lady sed..
"wat in the world happened that this whole thing fell over~~!!!"
and was very upset --;;;
heejun oppa was so sneaky..
but cute.......*^^*
also, a friend told me woohyuk wrote sumthin on the cake too....
he wrote... "woohyuk mahn-seh(woohyuk hurray)" & added underneath that, "NEWEST"~!
('course hes gotta add 'newest' to it like everythin he does these dayz ^^;;)
From Sports Today 2000. 11. 10
KangTa fans "take your birthday presents"
KangTa from group H.O.T was baptized by the fans' birthday presents and became a hot issue. Last 5th was his birthday. Different from other members, KangTa told his fans that he won't celebrate his birthday separately anymore. Because of this only about a hundred of fans, like usual, were around his house unlike on other members' birthdays where thousands gathered. But instead, they gathered at SBS Deung-Chon studio and had a present aggression. At first, KangTa tried not to show himself but he finally did to get the fans' presents.
From Sports Today 2000. 11. 09.
From +:+shin..chang+:+
HOT won the chwego inki(Most popular) award.. ^^*
*clap clap clap clap clap*
A representative from SM accepted the award and thanked CLUB HOT...
Fans went to the award show even though they knew HOT wasn't going to appear...
And if anyone is curious...
CLON and GOD won best male dance group...
and Jo SungMo won the daesang....
((congrats to all ^^*))
From Sports Today 2000. 11. 08
KangTa from H.O.T passed his birthday quietly.
5th was his birthday and SM Entertainment worried that thousands of fans will crowd in like Moon HeeJun's last birthday. However, only few came to his house which was nice.
KangTa already had a birthday party with his close friends. It's been a short time since he moved to Yang-Jae that not many fans found his new house. Also, compare to Moon HeeJun's fans who are very frenzy, KangTa's fans are pretty quiet.
Fans polling???
seriously.. you could tell the fans' personalities by asking them who they like... i'm almost 90% sure... that heejun fans are kinda... um... crazy?!?!? haha!!
woohyuk fans are... violent... and scary.. --;;
tony fans get jealous alot... ^^;
jaewon fans are... well... just... normal but... ssullung....
and kangta fans are.. just like him!!! kind~ nice~ but... one prob is... over-react too much...
From Sports Today 2000. 11. 05
Moon HeeJun's interesting hair color
'Not because of the sanction but because I wanted to change it..'
Moon HeeJun's hair color changed to black which drew many people's attention. He came out with red hair for the first time at KBS Music Bank and became a hot topic. Without a word, he secretly changed back to his normal hair color. The fans wonder why he changed his hair color. Few thinks it's because of the sanction from KBS.
But Moon HeeJun has a simple answer.
"If I change from red hair to other color, then there aren't going to be many responses. So I'm just going to have black hair for awhile. Wait a little more. An epochal color will come out."
These days, the fans' interests are focused on Moon HeeJun who cares about his appearance as much as his songs.
About Hee Jun hair
It took HeeJun oppa about 10 hours to do his new hair... A fan who watched him doing his hair said that they braided his hair with string(?) and then they attached reggae extensions..
HOT Commercial
HOT's doing a commercial for Elite school uniforms.. They're filming it on 11/15.. They're planning to dance and sing to their song with the uniforms on for the commercial..
-News from October 2000-